Current Status

Current Status

Current Status

The Bylaw and Policy Update Project is now complete.

During the summer and fall of 2015, the RDN implemented a community engagement process to gauge the level of community support for and hear feedback on some potential agriculture related bylaw amendments. The engagement process included attendance at 3 local farmers' markets, 6 open house events and presentations (one in each Electoral Area), meetings with area farmers, a meeting with the Coombs Farmers' Institute, an online questionnaire and use of the e-mail alert system, social media, earned media and website updates. In response to positive community feedback and to address a number of the identified obstacles and better support and encourage agriculture in the region, staff prepared draft agricultural zones that would apply to lands in the ALR, as well as amendments to general regulations and definitions in both Bylaw 500 and Bylaw 1285.

The proposed bylaw amendments were presented to the Electoral Area Planning Committee (EAPC) on March 8, 2016 and were granted 1st and 2nd reading by the RDN Board on March 22, 2016. A Public Hearing was held on April 28, 2016. The bylaws were granted 3rd reading on May 24, 2016 and were adopted by the Regional Board on June 28, 2016.

A copy of the related staff reports and adopted bylaws can be found on our Bylaws, Documents, and Reports