Draft RDN Strategic Plan 2019-2022

On March 26, 2019 the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) Board of Directors approved their Draft Strategic Plan 2019-2022 to be shared with the community and is asking for input. The draft plan details their vision, goals and actions for the next four years in the RDN. A strategic plan provides a framework which informs all other RDN documents including financial investments, department plans and operational plans.

You can learn more about the RDN, about strategic planning, ask questions and share input by:

  • Visiting and registering with us at www.getinvolved.rdn.ca/rdntalks-priorities. This two-way communication tool encourages residents to learn more about the RDN and strategic planning and ask their questions and receive answers from our Strategic & Community Development department. All questions and answers will be displayed on the home page of this project to show transparency and for others to learn.
  • Viewing the Draft Strategic Plan 2019-2022 by clicking here and completing a survey to share your thoughts on the draft and if anything is missing. The survey is open until April 18, 2019.
  • Reaching out to your Director and requesting an informal coffee talk to discuss the draft plan. To find out where you live in the RDN click here; to find out who your Director is and how to contact them click here. You can also find info and links for this information and more at: www.getinvolved.rdn.ca/rdntalks-priorities/faqs.

The RDN Board will receive a summary of input at their May 28, 2019 Board meeting prior to review and approval of the 2019 Strategic Plan 2019-2022.