The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) Board held a special board meeting on April 18, 2023, regarding District 69 Swimming Pool Service Establishment Bylaw No. 899, 1993 (Bylaw #899). The RDN Board was considering two proposed changes to Bylaw #899; changing how Ravensong Aquatic Centre is funded and adding Electoral Area E as a participating area. The Board discussed the public’s response to the two proposed changes to Bylaw #899 that was collected through a survey. Residents also had an opportunity to attend in-person and virtual open houses, submit questions through the project website and to speak directly to the Board at the special board meeting.
At the meeting, the Board passed the following motions:
- That the Regional District of Nanaimo Board receive the Bylaw No. 899 Community Engagement Summary and cover staff report for information.
- That the Staff Report dated April 18, 2023, “Options for District 69 Swimming Pool Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 899 Amendment following Public Engagement” be received and that the Chair re-establish the District 69 Swimming Pool Service Select Committee and the report be referred to the Committee to further review options and models for the District 69 Swimming Pool Service, as well as an additional aquatic facility in Oceanside, and provide recommendations to the Board.
- That staff be directed to prepare an analysis of the 5-year financial plan for Ravensong pool with operating funds and capital funds separated for the information of the select committee meeting.
- That staff provide the select committee with the detailed usage survey data, as appropriate, from 2010 and 2015 which would include methodology and standard deviation.
- That staff provide the select committee with a variety of cost apportionment models for consideration.