Coastal Fire Region - Fire Ban Status
Effective at 12 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST), on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the campfire prohibition will be lifted throughout the Coastal Fire Centre’s jurisdiction, which includes the RDN.
While campfires will be allowed in the Coastal Fire Centre, Category 2 and Category 3 open fires remain prohibited, including the use of fireworks, sky lanterns, binary exploding targets, burn barrels, burn cages and air curtain burners. These restrictions will remain in place until October 31, 2024, or until the Order is rescinded.
Provincial Open Burning Legislation
Open burning is regulated by the Provincial Government through the following pieces of Legislation.
- Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation [Last amended March 30, 2022 by B.C. Reg. 76/2022]
- Wildfire Regulation [Last amended April 24, 2023 by B.C. Reg. 110/2023]
- Wildfire Act [SBC 2004] CHAPTER 31 Assented to April 29, 2004
In 2019 the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy implemented the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation which has strict requirements for burning in specific smoke-sensitivity areas. For more information on the regulation, please see the Provinces Open Burning information page.
To report a violation to one of these provincial legislations call the Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) line at 1-877-952-7277 or report online.
Open Burning in BC has four (4) categories for burning.
- Category 1 - Campfire
- Category 2 - Open Fire
- Category 3 - Open Fire (Requires Burn Registration Number)
- Category 4 - Resource Management Fire
What Cannot be Burnt in BC?
Air Quality
Smoke can be hazardous to human health the following resources explain why and how to mitigate potential exposure, especially in the summer fire season.
- WorkSafeBC Wildfire Smoke FAQ
- Island Health Wildfire Smoke Information Letter
- Island Health Wood Burning Smoke Information
- BC Centre for Disease Control Wildfire Smoke and Your Health
Fire Protection and Open Burning Regulations Interactive Map
Not sure which Fire Protection Area you are in? Check the Fire Protection and Open Burning Regulations interactive map. Click on the map find which fire department provides fire protection and emergency response services in your fire services protection area. The online tool also provides useful links to burning bylaws, venting Index information and the Province’s website for the most up-to-date information on fire bans and restrictions.
You can always check the Provincial Fire Danger from April to November to see the current risk of a wildfire starting in BC which is updated daily during the fire season.
RDN Burning Regulation / Bylaws
Dashwood, Coombs-Hilliers, Errington, Nanoose, Cranberry, Cassidy/Waterloo
Provincial Legislation applies. No backyard burning is permitted if the Costal Fire Centre Fire has a ban in place. Check the BC venting index before you burn. You must be aware of the different open burning categories and the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulations in your area.
Bow Horn Bay
The Bow Horn Bay Fire Protection Area has the following Bylaw that regulates burning in that area.
- Regional District of Nanaimo Bylaw No. 1402
- "A Bylaw to make rules for the prevention, suppression and regulation of fires in the Bow Horn Bay Fire Protection Service Area"
French Creek and Parksville Local Service Areas
Outdoor burning is regulated by:
- French Creek Fire Protection Local Service Area Outdoor Burning Bylaw No. 920, 1994
- French Creek - Local Fire Map
- Parksville (Local) Fire Protection Service Area Outdoor Burning Bylaw No. 922, 1994
- Parksville - Local Fire Map
Backyard burning of garden waste is permitted from February 15 to April 15 and October 15 to December 15. Backyard burn piles must not exceed 2 square metres in area and shall only be used to burn garden refuse originating on the parcel where the fire is located and no other material. The burning of noxious materials is prohibited.
Please check the venting index before you burn and only start a burn if the index and forecast are good.
Construction or clearing waste fires are not permitted at any time. Agricultural clearing waste fires may be started or maintained with a permit from the Fire Department having jurisdiction on the parcel where the fire is to take place.
Extension Fire Protection Area
Outdoor burning is regulated by:A permit is required for backyard burning between April 1 and October 31. Phone the Fire Department at 754-3235. Cooking and incinerator fires are not permitted when Forest Danger Rating Sign reads 'early shift' or 'extreme conditions'.
- Extension Fire Protection Specified Area Outdoor Burning Bylaw No. 1028, 1996
- Extension - Local Fire Map
Large fires such as land clearing and agricultural waste fires require a permit from the Fire Department having jurisdiction on the parcel where the fire is to take place.
Deep Bay Improvement District
Fire permits are required for any open burning from April 15 - October 15. Please call the hall at 250-757-2030 for your permit.
East Wellington (Mountain Fire Protection District)
Permits are required for fires within the Mountain Fire Protection District. Contact the East Wellington Volunteer Fire Department at the following phone number: 250-585-2931.
Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department
All open burning with fires larger than 1/2 cubic meter require a permit from the GVFD. All burn piles are subject to Inspection prior to issuance of a burn permit. Permits are only issued by the Fire Department from Monday to Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Please contact the Fire Department at 250-247-9677.
North Cedar Improvement District
Phone the Fire Department at 250-722-3711.
City of Nanaimo
Phone 250-754-4251 or visit
City of Parksville
Phone 250-248-6144 or visit
District of Lantzville
Phone 250-390-4006 or visit
Town of Qualicum Beach
Phone 250-752-6921 or visit