Dunsmuir Community Park
Park Location
Dunsmuir Community Park (sometimes referred to as Centennial Park) is located in the small community of Dunsmuir, near Qualicum Bay in Electoral Area H.
Park Description
Dunsmuir Community Park property is 2.0 hectares (5 acres) in size. The park has recently been updated, and includes court facilities with perimeter fencing, including lines for three pickleball courts, half and full court basketball with nets, and ball hockey; and a new driveway access and off-street parking lot (driveway and parking lot temporarily closed). Further updates are planned in the coming years.
The courts are open to the public and available to be booked by individuals or clubs for regular games. To reserve your time(s) on the court email fieldbooking [at] (fieldbooking[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca)
Dunsmuir Park Conceptual Master Plan
A master planning process for Dunsmuir Community Park was completed in 2016. Through the planning process, the community identified the following improvements and additions they wish to see at Dunsmuir Community Park:
- Improve court facilities (sport court & tennis courts)
- Provide off-road parking
- Improve site lines into the park
- Provide a small traditional playground, with area for future expansion
- Provide washroom facilities
- Provide informal picnic area with tables
- Investigate the feasibility of developing walking/biking trails through the park
The approved park conceptual plan, illustrated below, includes the following elements:
Phase 1 - New sports court with perimeter fencing (basketball, pickleball, ball hockey, etc.), new driveway access, off-street parking lot, and entrance sign.
Phase 2 - Playground (2-5 and 5-12 age groups), swings, concrete paths, porta potty with surround, plantings, shade structure, picnic tables, and benches.
Phase 1 is now complete. The next step will be to complete the planning for Phase 2 and ensure the project is shovel-ready, poised to take advantage of all grant-funding opportunities when they become available.
For more information please contact
Elaine McCulloch, RDN Parks Planner
emcculloch [at] (emcculloch[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca)
Include Conceptual Drawing