The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) household hazardous waste (HHW) program accepts (HHW) from residential sources only.
Drop-offs are by appointment only and all HHW items must be registered for approval by RDN staff.
Requirements for Commercial Hauling of HHW
Commercial waste haulers (haulers) may deposit residential HHW at RDN HHW facilities. Haulers must submit a declaration form (linked below) to the RDN for approval for each load the hauler intends to drop off. Haulers will register their loads by listing the contents of the load in the space provided on the declaration form. Deposited loads must match the approved form and be from a single residential address (generator).
Non-profit recycling organizations may deposit HHW that was inadvertently received through their operations. When filling out the form, the organization is the generator.
Haulers of HHW must meet the following requirements to transport residential HHW to an RDN facility:
- Submit a Commercial Hauling of HHW Declaration Form to hhw [at]
- Posses a valid License to Transport (LT) hazardous waste (to transport an amount of HHW greater than listed in Table 1.)
- Provide and complete a shipping document (to transport an amount of HHW greater than listed in Table 1.)
- Ensure transport vehicles are appropriately marked (when required)
- Possess a BC National Safety Code (NSC) safety certificate (if vehicle weight exceeds 5000 kg)
Table 1. Transportation of Dangerous Good (TDG) Regulation Threshold Limits*
Hazardous Waste Type | Amount |
Solids | 5 kg |
Liquids | 5 L |
Compressed gas (container capacity) | 5L |
PCB (liquid or solid) | Any qty. that contains greater than 500g of PCB |
*List altered to reflect materials accepted by the RDN. Refer to Section 46 of the Hazardous Waste Regulation for full requirements.
TDG regulations protect people and the environment in case of an accidental release or emergency involving shipped hazardous waste. The RDN will act according to all governing regulations and is obligated to report violations and near misses. Non-compliance with TDG regulations and RDN policies may result in refusal of service.