Area E Plebiscite Information

What is the question?
The plebiscite question will be as follows:
“Are you in favour of burning restrictions in Electoral Area E?”
What is meant by “burning restrictions”?
The term “burning” is being used to describe residential activities that include open burning of land, clearing debris, and residential backyard burning of vegetative matter.
Who Votes?
Qualified resident and property electors in RDN Electoral Area E will vote in this plebiscite.
Why is the RDN holding a plebiscite on burning restrictions in Area E?
Population growth in the RDN has led to an increase in backyard and open burning, especially in rural/urban interface areas such as Area E. Many local residents have become concerned about the health and environmental impacts of burning, and have requested that the RDN establish burning restrictions in Area E to keep pace with similar restrictions in neighbouring communities.
What are the current regulations affecting burning in Area E?
The Nanoose Bay Fire Department and the BC Ministry of Forests and Range commonly prohibit open fires for waste disposal between June 15 and September 15. Aside from this prohibition, there are no regulations affecting burning in Area E.
What are the alternatives to backyard burning?
- Compost leaves, grass clippings and garden trimmings. Composting brochures are available from the RDN Environmental Services Department.
- Consider renting a wood chipper for the neighbourhood to use during spring and fall weekend.
- Use yard waste and garden waste drop off service at Church Road Transfer Station in Parksville, the Regional Landfill in Nanaimo, and the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange in Nanaimo.