Englishman River Management Plan

The Englishman River Regional Park property was acquired in 2003 through a partnership of agencies and funding organizations from then-owners TimberWest Ltd. The Nature Trust of BC led the process to ensure the property was acquired to protect fish and wildlife habitats, preserve a long-term drinking water supply, and allow continuing access to passive outdoor recreation.
Through lease agreements with the agencies that now own the property (logos shown to the right), the Regional District of Nanaimo became the manager of the park. The Regional District has the responsibility to manage and operate the property as a regional park; ensuring actions taken are compatible with the conservation aims of the landowners.
In November 2008, the 5-Year Management Plan for the Englishman River Regional Park: A Conservation Area along the River Corridor was completed. See the full Management Plan in the Quick Links section to the right.
See the full Management Plan in the Quick Links section to the right.
Questions or Comments?
Contact RDN Parks Services at
250-248-4744 (1-888-828-2069)
or email recparks [at] rdn.bc.ca (recparks[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca)